Wide range of stylish jewellery to match your occasions ......

What to find in our store ?

Touch to our unique designed in-store experience which features a breath-taking volume and variety of jewellery topped up with earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings and much more ,all grouped together in our store!

Why Sterling Silver ?

The whitest of the precious metals, sterling silver has been prized for centuries for its highly lustrous finish and versatile applications.While sterling silver is harder than gold, it is considered one of the more flexible metals, making it a premium material for crafting jewel.

Why Viebouton ?

Viebouton with its own Sterling Silver Jewellery factory and with its strong sourcing network ,helps to select materials, to designing, processing, wholesaling, which provides you "one-stop" services in order to Reduce Costs and Guarantee of Quality.